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Film om Hofteatret



Den internationalt anerkendte videokunstner Julie Born Schwartzs stemningsfulde film om Hofteatret og Teatermuseet i Hofteatret er nu tilgængelig online. Filmens varighed er 30 minutter, men kan sagtens ses i uddrag eller små bider. »se filmen her (husk at vælge fuldskærm på ikonet nederst i højre hjørne)

Julie Born Schwartzs film er en poetisk og meget stemningsfuld billedfortælling om det mere end 250 år gamle Hofteater, hvis interiører gemmer på så mange historier. En del af dem dukker op i glimt gennem små indslag fortalt af Teatermuseet i Hofteatrets personale, med museumsinspektør emerita Ida Poulsen i spidsen, foruden scenograf Christian Tom-Petersen, operaformidleren Henrik Engelbrecht og farvekonservator Astrid Grinder-Hansen. Den anerkendte komponist Louise Alenius har skrevet og produceret musikken til filmen, som understreger både filmens og Hofteatrets enestående atmosfære.

Filmen er produceret i forlængelse af Hofteatrets 250 års jubilæum og i sammenhæng med projektet Hofteatret – restaurering og formidling, som er finansieret af A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal, Augustinus Fonden og Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond. » Se mere om Hofteater-projektet her

JULIE BORN SCHWARTZ – A movie about The Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre 2019 (30 minutes) – english subtitles

The Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre is one of Denmark's oldest special museums  in the oldest still working theatre house, The Court Theatre. It is situated in the middle of Slotsholmen, Denmark's historical and current power center. During 2018 and 2019 the internationally recognized video artist Julie Born Schwartz has recorded and produced a beautiful and atmospheric film about The Court Theatre. The renowned composer Louise Alenius has written and produced the music for the film, which emphasizes the unique atmosphere of the film and The Court Theatre.

The film shows not so much what The Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre can do as a museum here and now, nor so much what we do nowadays as a museum, as a theatre hall and as a cultural meeting place – but above all it is an in-depth artistic and visual study of what the place and the spirit of the place is. The spirit of the place has been created by the more than 250 year old theatre interiors and the varied and diverse life that has characterized it over time. However, the spirit of the place is also determined by the people who work in The Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre here and now. They are the ones who know the many stories hiding in the walls and in the extensive collections – and they appear intermittantly in the film relating small stories and anecdotes.

The staff of The Theatre Museum with museum inspector emerita Ida Poulsen in the lead, together with scenographer Christian Tom-Petersen, opera communicator Henrik Engelbrecht and conservator Astrid Grinder-Hansen have contributed to the film.

The film has been produced in continuation of the 250th anniversary of The Court Theatre, and in connection with the project The Court Theatre – restoration and dissemination. The project has been financed by A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal, Augustinus Fonden and Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond. 

See more: Julie Born Schwartz www.juliebornschwartz.com
